2020 Projects

In November 2018, we held our first projects meet - to pitch, plan and discuss ideas to take forward public safety projects. Several projects emerged from that evening, and each is being developed by volunteers with a passion for the problem they'd like to solve. In 2019 and 2020 we advanced some of those projects, placed some on hold, grew our community, formed teams and added more ideas from Hack the Police 4.

If you'd like to be involved, join a team, or share an idea, drop an email to team@policerewired.org, chat to us on Discord, or come to a meet-up (when we're able to hold them again!)

Status: Resuming in 2021

The Active Citizens Toolkit (ACT) is a resource for people who wish to take part in the safety story of their own communities.

We are collecting advice from public safety practitioners, and helping to develop it into short, accessible articles that members of the public can use as practical guidance.

Join us to complete, publish and publicise the toolkit!

Find out more...

Status: Resuming in 2021

Join us to help design and build a system that can make effortless referrals for people caught in the cycle of crime.

There are charities and agencies that can reach out and make a difference to the lives of people the police meet every day - but never enough time for first responders to put them through to people who need them the most.

We want to create an effortless way to identify and make the perfect referral.

We've got access to CharityBase, an online database of all 168,000 charities in the UK. Our goal is to develop a searchable Human Services layer and an easy-to-use tool for police officers.

Find out more...

Status: Resuming in 2021

999 calls are stressful, and having the presence of mind to give the emergency services what they need is really tough.

The Emergency Recorder detects outgoing emergency calls on Android phones, and initiates a video recording session, hands-free, to capture what's going on around you.

After the emergency is over, you can choose whether to share your recording.

Join us to help complete and publish this essential tool.

Find out more...

Status: Contact a team for info

Join us to support the teams as they develop their the projects from Hack the Police 4 - including:

  • MISSING - applying Machine Learning to the work of finding missing persons.

  • CRITr - Communities Resolving Issues Together! Coordinate community volunteering.

  • DNA Impersonators - a threat model, and proposed measures to protect against techniques to spoof DNA evidence.

  • WIT - identify key data while taking statements.

  • SafetyPIN - a lock screen with personal safety features.

  • OverView - manage investigations, and access data about local street cameras instantly.

Contact any team through: team@policerewired.org

Status: On hold

In 2017 there were 664,000 burglaries across the UK, and it affected 2 in every 100 households. It's reported that 95% of burglaries go unsolved.

It's frightening for victims, and a huge drain on police resources.

Join us as we build a conversational tool to support the victims. We want to give them control over their own investigation, and save hours of police time as we do.

Find out more...

Status: TBC

With such a high rate of burglaries, how can you protect yourself and your home?

Volunteer Jeff Maynard is building an online Home Safety Assessment tool - which people can use to determine exactly what steps they could take to make their own homes more resilient.

We currently need testers to help with:

  • Design and UX feedback

Help shape this tool which will hopefully help make peoples' homes harder to target.

Find out more...

Status: On hold

Time is short, and you've got a master criminal to uncover! It's time to roll up your sleeves and solve create a mystery...

If you're interested in designing a game that will bring the realities of the Best Job In The World™ into focus...

If you'd like to capture the imagination of our players...

If you've got a bright idea for a puzzle or a game based around the challenges and rewards of modern policing...

... we'd love to hear from you!

Find out more...


If you'd like to contribute to any of our projects, or you've an idea for a project you'd like to take forward in policing, public safety and crime fighting, we'd love to hear from you at team@policerewired.org, or to meet you in person.

We'll support you through the process. We will put you in contact with police officers, volunteering their time to help you shape your project around real business needs. We will identify security professionals who can help you design out vulnerabilities. We will link your project to police forces for a trial. We can help you reach sponsors to keep your servers running!

Your work remains your own. We'd love to be a part of your success, and help you as you make the world a better place - but we're not here to exploit you! Police Rewired couldn't succeed in our mission without volunteers like you, who want to build new tools and find new ways to make people safe.

Credit for Hack the Police posters: HappyToastCredit for illustrations: Lukasz Adam; Scale by Flexiple